Author - vellca

Kuinka saada sublimoituja poolopaitoja ?

Olemme iloisia voidessamme tarjota asiakkaillemme laajan valikoiman sublimoituja poolopaitoja. Muista tutustua suunnitteluvaihtoehtoihimme, jossa voit muuttaa asettelua ja värimaailmaa tiimisi erityisvaatimusten mukaan, or utilize our blank template, where you can enjoy total design flexibility to create a one-of-a-kind design tailored to your team.

Kuinka kauan sublimoidut paidat säilyttävät värinsä ?

Sublimaatiopaitasi ja sublimaatiopaitasi pysyvät pysyvästi paidoissa tai neuleissa. Sublimaatiotekniikka soveltaa grafiikkaasi, joukkueen logo tai nimi siten, että siitä tulee osa kangasta, mutta se ei lisää paidan kokonaispainoa. Väri ei haalistu koskaan, crack and peel, always keep the design nice and sharp.

What is sublimated sportswear ?

Sublimated sportswear we usually mean full range of sublimated jerseys and sublimation shirts for all kinds of sports games. Like sublimation jerseys for basketball, baseball, fishing, soccer, cycling, ice hockey, field hockey, lacrosse, softball, motocross, BMX, Mountain bike, motorsports, wrestling, netball, darts, bowling, American football, yoga, fitness and so on.

Why I Sublimate My Jerseys?

We think that sublimated jerseys offer the best value when it comes to quality and style. We create custom sublimated jerseys because we believe that only our own brand of sublimated jerseys will give you the best quality and look. Sublimated uniforms are perfect for any team. They look great and are sure to stand out. Our customers love sublimated jerseys because they feel more comfortable and durable in every one. We have sublimated sports gear for women’s and [...]

Why would people choose sublimation jerseys over other kinds of jersey customization?

There may be a safer long term option for sublimation, as it has a lot of benefits for custom jerseys and shirts . Because the color and decoration is dyed into the fabric, the decorations will last longer. Jerseys sublimated are also made of fabrics that are stronger than others, making the overall jersey a more comfortable, durable nature. We offer sublimated jerseys on a variety of different colors and sizes, so you can find the perfect fit for your team. Sublimated [...]